History of WTF

WTF was inaugurated in 1993 with the chief objective of promoting and perpetuating not only the language, culture, art, heritage, traditions but also business of the Telugu people. A very hoary past with tremendous values enrich the present generation and it is the Federation’s aim to educate and preserve this legacy and inculcate them in the Younger Generation.

The Federation has held Six Biennial Conferences till date at Chennai (1994), Hyderabad (1996), Delhi (1998), Vizag (2000), Singapore (2002) and Bangalore (2004) with many useful seminars, workshops, both cultural and trade-related. A variety of programs to enhance and promote the fine arts have been held with eminent personalities in the respective fields disseminating knowledge and information to participants. The Federation has a large membership in countries outside India such as USA, UK Singapore and Malaysia.

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